I finally decided to go to Silver Lakes of Robert Trent Jones Golf Trail in Alabama. I will move to Los Angeles from Atlanta soon. After that it's very difficult to come to Alabama.
Silver Lake is the nearest course from Georgia. It takes 2 hours, 125 miles. 10 courses in Alabama were designed by Robert Trent Jones Sr. in late 1980.
I woke up at 5am, left Atlanta for Alabama before 6am and arrived at 8am, I believed. But Alabama is 1 hour behind from Eastern Time, so it was still 7am. Anyway, I could teed off for the first player of the day, from Heartbreaker Course, then Backbreaker Course. It has only about 6000 yard from white tee, but very tough, with hilly fairways and elevated greens. I finished 18 holes in just 2 and half hours. Wow! I teed off at 1st tee of Backbreaker Course at 10am. No player in front of me. Oh, my goodness. I own these courses today.
I finished 27 holes at 11:15am. After I had a hot dog, I left the course. Golfers must stay overnight and play several courses. But I believe it's well worth to come to the trail, even if it takes 2 hours drive. I need come back again in future to play all courses of legendary Robert Trent Jones Sr.
Pics are Clubhouse, 9th hole of Heartbreaker Course, Score Card.