Saturday, May 19, 2007

DSL with Static IP connection postponed

Verizon's customer service emailed me yesterday morning, and I was struck speechless to hear "It appears your order has been moved out to May 25, 2007. You will be receiving your welcome letter by May 23, 2007". I will not be angry about customer service any more. Scheduled date was May 16 but now May 25! There was no information from Verizon. If I don't ask them, they don't tell me. This is "customer service" in America.

Anyway today is Saturday. I will go to my office in the morning and go to Lakewood Country Club, Lakewood CA in the afternoon. I was invited to join, so I thought it was a private course, but I found it public. I bought Titleist's x59 stand bag yesterday. This bag is designed for women and juniors with ultra light weight, only 3.7Lbs. I like walking golf, so this is realy good for me too.

In the evening, Jesse Winchester will perform at Lobero Theater in Santa Barbara, CA. I may go there.


Anonymous said...

Well, I'm not surprised coz that's the way they are in the U.S. That kind of thing rarely happens in Japan so I'm happy here, but at the same time, there are things that I miss about the States. You know what it's called? It is called 'trade-off'. I like that word.

firehills said...

Thanks for your commnent. There is a few reader on this blog, so I have rarely have comments.

firehills said...

I could not go to Jesse Winchester's concert in Santa Barbara today, because I finished 18th hole after 6pm. I'd better go to the concert as I can play golf anytime here in California but...